Monday, April 6, 2015

They see you


  1. First Picture:
    1. It is very interesting and the red lights are really cool.
    2. It is composed very well and I like the darkness vs. where light is.
    3. The subject seems very intense in the photo.
    4. I think the picture is very successful. Did you play around with the light at the bottom? It could have been interesting to use a different color. Overall, it is a really great photo.

  2. First Picture:
    1. It is very interesting and the red lights are really cool.
    2. It is composed very well and I like the darkness vs. where light is.
    3. The subject seems very intense in the photo.
    4. I think the picture is very successful. Did you play around with the light at the bottom? It could have been interesting to use a different color. Overall, it is a really great photo.

  3. I really enjoy how the face in your first picture is darkened, I feel it really adds to the emphasis on the lights from your hands. One thing that could be improved is that my attention was a bit drawn to bottom corners with the background, so if you took the picture with a blank background then you wouldn't see that. Great job!!

  4. I really enjoy how the face in your first picture is darkened, I feel it really adds to the emphasis on the lights from your hands. One thing that could be improved is that my attention was a bit drawn to bottom corners with the background, so if you took the picture with a blank background then you wouldn't see that. Great job!!

  5. I really like the contrast of the two different colors on each half of the photo. I like how it portrays the symmetry of the photo. This photo overall succeeded in its theme of symmetry.

  6. pic 1(cool)
    light coming from the hands had bulb open 4 a long time
    bulb used composition creative
    evil in humanity and darknes in conners hart
    feeling deerd
    over all succsesful

  7. pic 1(cool)
    light coming from the hands had bulb open 4 a long time
    bulb used composition creative
    evil in humanity and darknes in conners hart
    feeling deerd
    over all succsesful
