Friday, March 27, 2015



  1. Adam, you did a wonderful job overall in all these photos. The third pic definitely caught my attention the most though. The way the light weaves through the metal makes it look like magic or something along the lines of great. Your first pic confuses me though, i don't understand what the theme or the subject of the picture. Overall, great job!!

  2. First Picture:
    First: The picture is very interesting, like how the face is half shadowed.
    Second: This picture was taken with the camera on bulb, with a flash at the beginning or end. The composition is good as well.
    Third: I think that if the face had been in focused or you had used a tripod the picture would have been better.
    Fourth:I think this picture is really cool. I feel like if the line quality was better the pictured may have improved overall.
