Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Self Portrait


  1. I love the lighting in all of your photos!! its very simple and pretty :D

  2. I agree with Natalie in the sense that the lighting looks very nice and perfectly fits the mood of the pictures, but I think the second one isn't clear enough to as what you are trying to convey about yourself. Other than that, GREAT JOB!

    1. I like how in all three photos how you lit the sources from only one side, the effect that it creates is simple yet dramatic (in a good way). I also like how the composition of all three photos fit very nice to the feelings you were trying to convey. One critique I have, is that the piece of paper in your top photo is a bit too right heavy, I feel as though if you put it more on the left and had the darkness cover the right side, then the photo wouldn't look as closed off.

  3. The simplicity of your lighting is extremely interesting, and you used it very well. It would be really cool if you played with your f-stop and lighting source in the one of your face because your hair can be mistaken for the subject rather than your face.

  4. The low lighting in all of your pictures gives a very simple and and interesting affect. The lighting makes the subjects look like they have a deeper meaning. If I were to change something, I would focus the second picture more. Overall, great concepts and very pleasing to look at. XO :D

  5. The low lighting in all of your pictures gives a very simple and and interesting affect. The lighting makes the subjects look like they have a deeper meaning. If I were to change something, I would focus the second picture more. Overall, great concepts and very pleasing to look at. XO :D
